€12,00 EUR

If you are not 100% happy you are entitled to a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

This ceremony is for non-commercial use only and your account should not be shared.

Please do not use or any part of the recording as part of your work without contacting KIND for approval.

The replay will be available until mid-January.

Get a 20% pre-release discount for my Spring Equinox Sound Journey - for only €20.

Find deep rest, gratitude and light through an immersive home sound bath ritual. Tap into sacred space to process and release the year that’s been, and tune into your heart’s truth for the new year.


✨  60min high quality recording with crystal bowls, light language and shamanic drumming

🧘🏽 Guided meditation included

📘 Ritual Companion eBook a beautifully curated download about Imbolc and ways to create your home ritual.

Permission to Shine: Cacao + Trance Ceremony

Saturday 18th March 10.00 - 12.00 GMT

There will never be a time when the world holds your hand and gives you permission to be seen… The only one who can connect to the truth, and step through the blocks is YOU!

Join me in circle as we:

  • Drop into sacred space
  • Stir the cauldron together on this widely relatable, often undiscussed experience
  • Enter a trance state through gentle repetitive guided movement
  • Journey inward to unblock and remember
  • Share, listen, reflect and journal
  • Take in the wisdom and warmth of Ceremonial Cacao

You will need:

  • Journal and pen
  • Comfy space to sit and move
  • A candle
  • Loose clothing
  • Ceremonial Cacao (or other sacred drink of choice)
  • An open heart


Save 40% when buying a 450g bag of KIND Ceremonial Cacao 🕊️ UK delivery only

⏯️ Replay of the ceremony will be sent out after the live event, in case you’re unable to make it or would like to drop in again.

100% Money Back Guarantee 💰

If you’re not happy with your experience for whatever reason, 100% refund is available.

What People Are Saying:

Thank you dear for this beautiful experience today. I’m at the very beginning of this embodiment journey (even though I’ve been reading self-help books for a decade couldn’t get from a to b). It was so empowering to gain some experience in such a safe place. The feeling that the trance ritual left behind in my body is so freeing. I’ve never felt so comfortable in the darkness before. I’ll do this practice over and over again for my healing. Thank you, sending lots of love ❤️

Hi! I don’t usually message ppl I start following but I came across your Samhain reel through a friend’s repost and I wanted to say that I really appreciate the energy you hold and its embodiment. I’m more at ease w the dark goddess/warrior side of the feminine for now. Thank you for being an example of the gentle and deeply connected energy (and I’m sure that you can go full on dark goddess too 🔥). It’s just lovely to witness and feel into it for my own exploration 🙏🏼🤍