€24,00 EUR

This is a time limited offering of the I Honour My Flow course. For 7 days from the moment you start it, you get full access to the course.

When purchasing this course you must first agree to the following terms & conditions. They're short & human readable, so please read them and get in touch if you have any doubts or questions:

  • This course has been created from Jayna's personal experience and research as part of KIND Matters (holding company Harmony Guardians) referred to as KIND Matters below. Copyright fully owned by Harmony Guardians.
  • Whilst upmost care has been taken whilst developing the course, you are taking full responsibility for your own recovery, actions and lifestyle choices
  • This course is not a replacement for seeking 1-1 medical, psychological or dietary guidance
  • This course may highlight areas you want to explore deeper or that trigger you: in which case seeking support from trained professionals, a therapist or 12 step group of support is advised
  • Testimonial Disclosure: Unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results. Testimonials used across the site are unsolicited and are not representative of all clients. We disclose when results, feedback and/or testimonials are exchanged for a discounted purchase. You are accepting that your results may vary from those claimed on the site due to many other factors, and therefore KIND Matters can take no responsibility. 
  • KIND Matters are not responsible for any injury or actions you take during or following the course
  • KIND Matters can not guarantee your hormonal recovery
  • You may not share any content provided in the course or access to your account. You will forfeit your purchases if found to be doing so by the hosting platform. Please enquire about affiliate discounts if you do wish to share legally
  • Access to the community is not guaranteed with purchase of this course, and can be withdrawn at any point
  • There are not refunds once your complete your purchase
  • You have a right under GDPR to request removal of all your personal data

With that out of the way - we hope you enjoy your purchase.

7 Days of Support

A toolkit of sacred practices for your next bleed

Access my period course I Honour My Flow over the 7 days of the month when you need it most, and emerge from your period feeling like a goddess. Start on the lead up to your bleed.

What you'll get:

  • Physical practices of yoga, embodied movement and dance to support you through PMS and your bleed 
  • Meditations, rituals and sound healings to harness the transformational power of your period 
  • A loving space and community you can return to, month after month

Learn more about the course and how to best use it.

What People Are Saying:

I've spent many years thinking period as something dirty and shameful, Jayna has truly open my eyes to a new truth and helped me let go of a lot of shame, to understand that my period is not dirty, hence I am not dirty... and therefore I can be much kinder to myself! Thank You J! X

Moon Dance morning in the garden for me... I Love it! This course is so brilliant Jayna honestly! The love that you have put into it really shows, the words you have written , the videos and photography are all breathtaking and so beautiful. It is a dream to look at and embrace. Thank you for your inspiring knowledge and support throughout.

This course is excellent. I suffer from amenorrhea, it was my first time doing yoga in relation to my cycle and I now feel so much closer to my body. My period has come back for the first time in months. Thank you Jayna!