Spiral with the Dark Feminine:

Cacao + Trance Ceremony

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A healing exploration of our personal relationship

with our Inner Witch, and journey of acceptance

into of the dark feminine realms. 

What areas of your unconscious are ready to be restored, to live in more vibrancy and joy?

Together, let’s slip through the veil to spiral deeper into the mysteries of the dark feminine. Connect with your inner witch, with guidance from Ceremonial Cacao, and your ancestors and spirit guides from beyond the veil.

With the wisdom of your inner witch, with the guidance of your ancestors and spirit guides, harness this liminal time to explore the aspects of self that you have cast into the your shadow. This is where the gemstones can be found. Explore what has manifested for you so far this year in order to bring those gems back into your totality for deepened insight and growth.

A sacred container for you to:


  • Connect to the potent Samhain energy with the loving medicine of Ceremonial Cacao
  • Enter a trance state through meditation and gentle repetitive movement
  • Connect to your inner Witch
  • Receive guidance from spirit guides, ancestors and benevolent entities
  • Let her guide you into the darkness
  • Explore the shadow aspects of self that you’ve buried, uncover the gems
  • Love and integrate them into your wholeness
  • Reflect and integrate your experience
  • Share, listen, and be heard in ceremony

Replay of the ceremony will be shared after event – if you miss the live gathering / want to revisit!

If you joined last year’s gathering, know that we’ll be spiralling even deeper into ourselves, exploring more of the caverns of our dark feminine mysteries.

Let’s dig a little deeper into the aspects of self that we have rejected or suppressed, the parts of you that don’t fit into that neat clean societal norm, the parts of you where the rawest, most potent feminine power resides.

Can’t wait to welcome some of you back again.

For me it's a massive de-stress moment, to come to something that just totally switches your mind off, and unlocks your body. It's definitely a peaceful moment in my week or my month. It's like a stopgap and a complete refresher.

Jayna provided me the space to heal and with fierce strength and also the most gentle touch encouraged a shift in energy within me I have been longing for since I started my healing journey. If you get the chance to experience her work then you will feel blessed, if the universe conspires to put you in her path at the exact right time you are ready for real surrender on your journey then your life will be forever changed.

Her online ceremonies have led me to create scared space in my home and and taught me how to truly value the small moments of ritual and joy in every day. Thank you Jayna. For sharing your energy, your light and gift the world.

About Jayna

The aspect I love most about my work is witnessing people unfold when they let go and allow their light to shine from the inside out.

Over the past 9 years I’ve held transformation practices for men & women through retreats, yoga, ceremony, one-to-one coaching and sound healings.

I am a deep believer that individual healing creates the collective consciousness necessary to elevate humanity and live in harmony with our planet.

I moved to Portugal from London, in 2019 with my partner, George, and I have recently become a mother to a beautiful baby girl, Rise, who is the tiny bump you can see in my courses!

I look forward to getting to know you. 


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