I've been thinking about you all a lot the last week. Wondering what it is that holds this small community together as we seem to be a pretty diverse bunch. I know there are those of you who don't practice yoga, who I have never met in person or whose lives are radically different from...
Welcome - Here you will find my reflections on matters of the spirit & heart pourings on what moves me the most.
Have a scroll and see what intrigues your curiosity. Two podcasts below with more to come.
Feel free to share the care.
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Is your resilience at an all-time low? Somehow, the end of the year is also the time when we seem to be tested the most. Our bodies are craving self-care, winter inwardness, lazy days on the sofa, being wrapped up in a blanket with hot cocoa, and yet we are stretched to meet deadlines,...
This weekend I held a Women’s retreat and we made circle after circle to meet ourselves and each other. We created Altars of our intentions, allowing honesty to be the vulnerable bedrock of our work together, that we held hands to rise in spirals, softening to the essence that transformed...
The beauty industry has sold us a big lie! It would have us believe that our natural bodies are ugly, dirty and wild, needing to be managed, tamed, cleaned and sterilised - THIS is DEEPLY conditioned within us from a young age - How can we regain free thought and choice over our bodies?
I found out I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) around 6 years ago through an ultrasound scan that my doctor recommended. I was diagnosed through 9-week cycles, missed periods, extremely heavy, painful bleeds and life-disrupting hormonal imbalances. Hello, crazy emotions and cystic acne. I...
The fragility of carrying life and losing these precious seeds of creation has always been a part of my story.
My mother experienced the tragedy of losing many children before I was born. Some early and some very late. From an early age, I knew what a tragedy it was to lose a babe through...
The First Trimester
It’s hard to know where to start with what to share, from speaking to other pregnant friends or women with children I can clearly see how different all pregnancies are. I also know I'm not on my own in experiencing losing myself within the early stages. This right of...
Another week rolls in, I have been, as I am sure you have, deep in the process of absorbing, feeling, listening and watching the ways that black indigenous people of colour (BIPOC) and anti-racist educators have been sharing their truth. I’ve been quietening to be more sensitive, to...
Beautiful ones!
As some of you may have heard on @Kind_Yoga_Life. I am taking a break from my classes this week.
It’s been so incredible to feel our community in real-time and I have absolutely loved getting to see known and new faces. I honestly didn’t realise before...
It’s mental health awareness week.
I realise not everyone has dived as deep into this subject as I have.
To me mental health means life. It means everything, it’s the colour through which we perceive our existence and it’s the way...

Dear ones, here is an Instagram post, written from my heart about the prospect of becoming a mother. It’s raw and simple and includes powerful perspectives from the fellow sisters in this KIND community that were shared in the comments section. I hope it supports your...

What an interesting time we are in. As we have been moving towards this full moon, I have been moving towards my personal moon time. Which always opens me into this receptive, sensitive, slow and connected space.
Here is what I have been receiving in my...
KIND Love Letters From Me To You
From time to time, get a dose KIND musings, reflections, practices and heart to heart offers.