Ritual, Ceremony and Sound

Within the ever expanding vastness and fastness of life, there is an ever growing need for:

Grounding | Orientation | Sacred Space


KIND Sound Healings are an offering of energy and resonance.

Beltain Sound Journey

Northern Hemisphere

Available Now

Celebrate Beltain, a festival of fire, flora, and fertility, as we embrace the peak of Spring. Engage with the joyful energy and vibrant growth that Beltain brings. Set intentions for creativity and passion as we welcome the dynamic energy of this festive season.

Includes a free Ritual Companion eBook to help you plan your home ceremony.
Buy Now

Celebrate Every Turn of the Wheel

Life-time Access

I invite you to celebrate and immerse yourself in healing sound baths for this and the years to come.

Includes 8 hours of Sound Journeys and a Ritual Companion eBook for each festival, filled with practices to weave the magic of each season into your life. 
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A Subscription To Seasonal Connection

Year round access, paid quarterly

Stay connected with yourself and with Mother Nature all year round by creating sacred space for every turn of the Wheel of the Year.

One sound journey for every Wheel of the Year celebration, 33% cheaper than buying individually. Includes the Ritual Companion eBook for each festival, filled with practices to weave the magic of each season into your life. 
Buy Now
  • I wanted to share the profound experience I had in one of Jayna’s online Sound Healing ceremonies that she facilitated along with Mother Gaia and the Spirit of Cacao. The energy and grand connection between everyone present was simply beautiful, as she continued into her sound healing the energy manifested in my physical body...

  • ... Her voice has, on a number of occasions now produced a physical reaction in me, During this session, at some point the light language concluded in a muttered exhale, which sent a sort of rippled effect, a huge orgasmic like climax washing over me, sending a light, uncontrollable shaking from the depths of my core… from my womb down my legs, into my toes and shooting back up through the body and down my arms escaping through my fingertips. What a profound feeling! One I can relate to actual sexual climax itself!

  • ... I’m so gratful to have been able to experience this in the safety of my own home

    Anonymous - UK, 27

The Experience 

A Sound Healing ceremony can land in so many different ways, depending on the state you’re in at the time.

Here are some experiences you may have on the physical plane:

  • Feeling energy unblocking and move through the body. This can be experienced through tears, laughter, trembling or shaking
  • Sensations of being physically held – as if in the womb, or by heavenly forces
  • Blissful sensations, or sexual energy in the body
  • Tension release around physical injuries
  • Some women have experienced their period returning after years of being missing!

On an energetical level, you may feel:

  • Insight, inspiration, perspective shifts, new ideas
  • Clarity around subjects or areas of life that feel stuck
  • Messages from spirit; this could involve seeing symbols, encountering ancestors, hearing voices or connecting to inner intuitive feelings.
  • Deep rest! Most common of all experiences, and in my opinion, the most valuable. This is rest at a soul level, which also brings a true connection to the soft, KIND centre within us all.
  • What is it like coming to one of KIND Yoga, Jayna's classes or Cacao Ceremony? For me it's a massive de-stress moment, to come to something that just totally switches your mind off, and unlocks your body. It's definitely a peaceful moment in my week or my month. It's like a stopgap and a complete refresher
    I’m going to miss her when she’s not here, so I'm looking forward to her coming back. It always puts a smile on my face.

    Roger - London, 40
  • I’ve been to several cacao ceremony, sound healing and ecstatic dance hosted by Jayna. I would highly recommend them to everyone who is on a healing journey, because they have truly helped me through mine especially during darker times.

  • Jayna’s nurturing energy and kindness are the golden ingredients to her success, she has held the safest space for my healing, a space where I can let go of shame and feel connected to my femininity for the first time! There is something truly magical about her music and voice. I swear it awakens something in my body physically when she sings… and the attention to details,from the aesthetic and ambience, to the quality of sound and cacao, each aspects are always stunning!

  • It is truly an experience you can’t miss!
    Thank you Jayna! With so much gratitude ❤️

    Eva - London, 31
  • Just wanted to send big gratitude to you for hosting those cacao and sound healing sacred magicness at the beginning of the very first lockdown. They were something I looked forward to each week, at the darkest time in my life when not much else felt good or comprehendable...

  • ... Visions and tears flowed as you sang in the most beautiful way, that both soothed & uncovered all that I needed to hold and heal at that moment. Felt a real love and connection to sisterhood in the online community you created and I still think of those moments often.

    Alice - UK
  • Around four years ago I made a radical life shift. My marriage had broken down and I was set to become self-sufficient, Single, Mumma. I felt liberated but I was pouring from an empty cup. I found Jayna online and instantly resonated with her tone, her words and positivity. Her voice made me so still and calm...

  • ... Through Kind Matters, Jayna & George have encouraged me on my way to compassionate self love and Guided me to the place where I feel belonging. No make up. No cover up. No fancy clothes. Just me, my free spirit and sometime my son, Who has been sung to sleep by the beautiful voice of Jayna many times during sound healings session online...

  • ... Her online ceremonies have led me to create scared space in my home and and taught me how to truly value the small moments of ritual and joy in every day. Thank you Jayna. For sharing your energy, your light and gift the world.

    Emily - NYC, 33

Join the next Sound Healing

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KIND Sound Healing is a space for your mind to pause from mental activity and your body to release held tension.


Give room to what your inner being is calling for, it will come forth.

On the blog

12 Nurturing Tips For Your Festive Period

Dec 13, 2021

Addicted to love

Jan 30, 2021

Nurture your kindness

Jan 21, 2021

The Beauty Industry

Dec 16, 2020

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